


The Evidence Policy Impact Lab aims to foster evidence-based policy in Tunisia, the Mediterranean and in the African continent

1. Support evidence-based policy and its dissemination.

2. Seek to integrate economic, social, and environmental dimensions.

3. Establish connections between researchers and practitioners in the field of development.

4. Promote a culture of monitoring and evaluation of development policies.

5. Support the capacities of stakeholders to mobilize modern techniques in data science and impact analysis of public policies.


1. Conduct evaluative studies and research in economic, social, and environmental fields.

  • Data production and processing
    • Launch and use of existing large-scale surveys
    • Use exhaustive administrative databases
  • Impact evaluations

2. Organize workshops involving researchers and relevant stakeholders to discuss the outputs of the studies

3. Launch and co-organize conferences at the Mediterranean and global levels

4. Conduct training courses and awareness program

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