
Omar Trimeche


Qualifications: PhD Kyoto University Japan Economics  Master of Business Administration  Master’s Degree Kyoto University Japan Business Administration


Bsc. Marketing (ISG Tunis) Masters of Business Administration (Graduate School of Management, Kyoto University, Japan) PhD (Graduate School of Management, Kyoto University, Japan)
Project Manager & Team Leader: Digital Communication and Online Brand Management (Political accounts & Corporations) Marketing Communication Consultant Assistant Professor of Marketing (Undergraduate and Graduate programs) Marketing specialty coordinator (MBM)

Areas of Expertise


Research Interest

Destination Branding

Destination branding: Managing uncertainties in the MENA region – the cases of Dubai and Tunisia”.  African Journal of Business and Economic research Vol. 7, Nos. 1-2, pp. 25-47. Adonis & Abbey publishers ltd, London (May 2012)                                                               

  • Towards developing an integrative framework for multifaceted destination branding and strategic positioning of emerging destinations: the case of Dubai”. Proceedings of the 2nd Academy of International Business Conference: MENA chapter, Dubai (UAE), January 2012. 
  • Destination branding: Managing uncertainties in the MENA region- The cases of Tunisia and Dubai”. Proceedings of the Global Islamic Marketing Conference, Abu-Dhabi (UAE), January 2012.   *Brand Dubai: Towards developing an integrative framework for multifaceted branding and strategic positioning of emerging destinations”. Omar Trimeche, (Published in January 2014). Lambert Academic Publishing. Berlin, Germany. 

  • Communication

  • Introduction to Marketing  
  • Consumer Behavior 
  • Introduction to Marketing Communication
  •  Marketing Communication
  •  Advertising & Creative Planning
  •  Branding
  •  Digital Marketing 

  • 2007 2013 Japanese Ministry of Education Japan
    MEXT (Monbukagakucho) Scholarship for Postgraduate studies 
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